Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Yesterday's Immigrant "Strike"

Well, the "strike" has come and gone, but the massive "shutdown" never happened. They tried, but they failed to shut down any cities. Some parents kept their children home and some businesses closed, but that was mainly due to safety concerns stemming from the attitude some of the protesters were showing as the May 1 date drew closer.

Charlie Daniels said it best in these two entries from his Soapbox archives:



I don't know of any other way to say it. I agree with what he wrote 100 percent.

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm not close-minded, I'm not racist, and I'm not a hater. I live in (what I believe to be) the best country in the world, and I'm proud to call myself an American. I'm was raised in a military family and, I'm fiercely patriotic. I know my country has flaws, but no country is perfect.

I believe everyone who wants to come to our country to live should have every opportunity to do so, but for crying out loud, follow our laws!! That includes waiting your turn to come in legally. You want to become a citizen? Wonderful! I'd love to have you as a neighbor! Just learn our language before you take the oath of citizenship. You'd be expected to do the same in other countries. Ours should be no exception.

That's how I feel ... pure and simple.

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