Tuesday, May 23, 2006

MySpace.com is Not Evil ...

... and I'm sick of hearing about it.

Someone named Nathan Tabor has published a story about the evils of MySpace.com and how MySpace.com is the "Latest Danger in Cyberworld."

This is my response to his and other stories on the so-called evil MySpace.com:

MySpace.com cannot be blamed for teenage girls who willingly lie about their age and post provocative pictures of themselves. Nobody forced them to open an account.

MySpace.com cannot be blamed for sexual predators stalking underage children. Just because the site exists doesn't give the predators an excuse as to why they pursue underage teens.

MySpace.com cannot be blamed for the ills of the Internet community spilling over into our society.

It is time to stop pointing fingers at everyone and everything instead of pointing fingers at those who misuse a service to misbehave. It's time to start holding the offenders accountable for their actions. When the youngsters who lie on MySpace get caught, there should be stronger sanctions against them than just having their account deleted. They're committing fraud; let's prosecute them for fraud. They'll knock it off when there are real consequences to their actions.

It's time for parents to stop being lazy in their duties as parents and start monitoring their children's Internet activities. Too inconvenient? Sorry, but no one said being a parent was easy. Get off your ass and get over it.

As for the sexual predators, they're going to go where the kids are: malls, chat rooms, myspace, facebook, fast food restaurants, ball games, school functions, etc. Shutting down anything is not going to solve the problem.

Any tool or service can be used for good or bad. It's up to us to determine how it should be used.

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