Monday, August 24, 2009

It's Time To Revisit Where You Stand

I've been reading from various sources about current political topics from the media, the bloggers, and people expressing opinions. I am noticing, especially in the political arena, that the ones who are harping the loudest about a potential legislation are the ones who WILL NOT be affected by the decision. It's not just Congress members voting as they wish while ignoring the needs of their constituents. It could be people from one state traveling to another state to protest something going on that has nothing to do with them. It could be people from other countries who feel the need to criticize what is going on in our country.

Now, I'm all for people having a right to voice their opinion. However, I draw the line when they become so vocal, so intrusive, so blindsided by their own beliefs and politics that what they say drowns out the voices of those affected. I draw the line when these people, who do not have a dog in the fight, interfere with legal events and lawful assembly.

To the mainstream media (this includes the left, the right, the libertarian, the green, and whoever else the media leans toward at one time or another): stop spinning the news and just report the facts. All you're doing is confusing people or making them wary of any news you have to report. Revisit your journalistic ethics and knock off twisting the news for ratings.

To the legislators who are ignoring constituents and avoiding the town hall participants: this is not what you were elected to do. If you can't stand the heat, it's time to get out of the kitchen. Nobody said this job was going to be easy.

As for our foreign critics: unless you or your family live in this country, unless you or your family are going to be affected by any legislative bill being voted on, unless you or your family will be adversely affected by something going on in this country ... back off and leave it to our citizens to sort out their own battles.

Finally, I am neither "right-wing" nor "left-wing." I am neither "conservative" nor "liberal." It depends on the issue as to where I stand. Stop trying to label me. I am an American, born and raised, and a registered voter. That should be enough.


Janet said...

I'd like to tell these mouthy foreigners, "You don't even live here so shut up about what we do in our country!" I want national health care, but people from Europe, UK, and Canada are all up in our koolaid, pushing their own agendas, and making the debate worse. Mind your own business already!

Anonymous said...

Maybe foreigners are tired of Republicans in the U.S. disparaging their health care systems unfairly.

Would you speak up if the mullahs in Afghanistan were telling people, "We can't have democratic elections! Look at what a disaster they are in the USA. They can't even get a Senate seat filled without a 6 month recount and a court battle. Do you really want something that awful?"

GOP has been lying about all those other countries that successfully provide health care to their citizens. They have every right to correct the record. Even a moral obligation to correct the lies.