Monday, June 21, 2004

Dealing With Loss, pt 2

Since my last post, Maci's site underwent some changes and the page I was referring to is blank and "under construction." I can't go into detail because this involves a 14 year old girl, but let's just say a series of events have occurred, and I don't think her site will be updated anytime soon.

During the weekend, someone made a post on the green screen that a body was found at Oakland Cemetary (no joke). The poster's friend and mother saw the body and called the police. I will not mention the deceased's name, but it is my understanding that he had recently received news that he was in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. He was also still painfully mourning the death of his father. Last Saturday, the gentleman went to visit his father's grave and committed suicide. I can only imagine what his family is going through.

As I may or may not have mentioned before, I get inspirations from the darndest situations to write my poetry. I haven't had time to upload it yet, but I'll post it here for now until I do. I wrote this with that gentleman and a friend's husband's cousin (who suffered a sudden heart attack and died that same weekend) in mind:


May God comfort his family in this time of grief
Their souls cry out his time on earth was too brief
Their hearts ache today with pain and sorrow
But time heals all wounds as they look toward tomorrow

He won't be forgotten, his family will revere
Their memories of him, of the time he was here
His laughter, his joys, his dreams, his tears,
Will still remembered after all of these years

Your loved ones still alive, you know who they are
Take the time to seek them, whether they be near or far
Tell them how you feel, you won't regret
The heart full of love and happiness you'll get

For when the time comes for you to grieve
The sudden death of a loved one, you will achieve
The comfort of knowing he knew how you felt
Despite the cruel cards of fate you both were dealt

I hadn't planned on writing the poem. It just happened. Many of my poems are written on the spur of the moment. I need to get my mini-tape recorder out of mothballs and keep it in my truck for when I get an inspiration while I'm on the road. They do happen frequently, but they usually disappear when I get to my destination :-(

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