Saturday, April 03, 2004

The Green Screen

One can read the most interesting topics on the Green Screen.

Today, someone posed the question, "What really happened in Sodom?" This person's position seemed to be that many people misinterpreted what the citizens of Sodom were doing that brought about God's destruction of the city. This person further theorized that many people claiming to be Godly were hypocritical because many of the laws in the book of Leviticus are not being adhered to while two verses were used to perpetuate "traditional abusive use of the Bible regarding homosexuals."

Now, I'll be the first to admit that I'm probably not the best qualified person to offer learned responses to this person's theories about the history of Sodom nor the verses in the book of Leviticus. I did, however, offer this response when another person posted this response, "... I'm just stating what the word says will happen if we don't turn to Him and live the way He has instructed. "

This was my two-cents worth on the subject:

Live the way "He" has instructed? The bible was written by man ... numerous men, actually. It is full of contradictions and inconsistencies. It has been interpreted and misinterpreted in several languages for hundreds of years.

These are my theories on the situation:

Many of the laws that you listed in your original post were written at a time in which clean water was not easily available and hygiene warranted numerous days of abstinence from certain activities to ensure proper healing or disease prevention.

Many of the laws were written forbidding tattooing, multi-textured garments, or certain hairstyles as a way to ensure identification and bonding of the Tribes versus the pagan tribes that surrounded them.

Even if you don't believe in Jesus, He did make a valid point: it is not what you eat that makes you unclean, it is what you say that makes you unclean.

I am by no means trying to diminish the significance of the Bible. It is still to be revered, respected, and used for guidance in how we are supposed to live our lives. I just don't believe it should be taken so literally that we spend more time arguing over verses than living as Godly people.

And of course, that is just my honest opinion.

My whole point was that the scriptures were written, interpreted, and translated into different versions of the book. None of us are going to agree as to which version is more accurate. All we can do is read the version that we understand best and pray that we're doing what God wants us to do. I do believe we shouldn't be hurting anyone in the process, just because we don't agree with their lifestyle choice.

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