Covid is a b!+¢# to deal with. I was lucky to get one of the milder cases. As far as congestion goes, I've had worse chest colds. However, it's your body's inability to take in the needed oxygen is what makes covid so insidious. The days I was feeling light-headed or wiped out was when my resting oximeter reading was 86% or below. The lowest it got was 82%, and I was not that far away from cyanosis ... you know, when your skin starts to turn a little twinge of blue?
How about waking up and feeling tingly on your face and arms, or perhaps your whole body? That's oxygen deprivation! Sometimes it's stronger than tingles, it's more like pins and needles. Those of us with sleep apnea are familiar with those sensations. Sometimes we're experiencing those sensations in our dreams and continue dreaming instead of waking up and getting air. Maybe people with asthma or COPD have similar syptoms, but I cannot comment as I don't have those ailments.
The point I'm wanting to make is that Covid is nothing to play with. It's your choice whether you want to get vaccinated or not. It's your choice whether you want to wear a mask or not. However, we need to act like a community and not like a bunch of selfish self-entitled blowhards under the guise of exercising personal freedom. We need to respect each other and not browbeat others just because you're inconvenienced by their rules or restrictions. Medical personnel are burning out and leaving in droves. People are refusing to work due to less pay or abusive customers or both. I'm tired of the bad press and the bad news and the toxic posts and the selfish toxic people who know how to suck the nice right out of you to the point you want to spend five minutes locked in a room with a baseball bat and tell them how you really feel.
I'm one of the lucky ones. Many were not. My heart grieves for their families and friends.
There's a covid symptom that is not being described enough (in my opinion). The tingling sensation is a huge warning of oxygen deprivation; prolonged exposure to oxygen deprivation will lead to organ damage and organ failure. It would be a worthy investment to get a blood oxymeter, easily found at Walmart, Kroger, Target, Amazon, etc. I've seen them priced between $10 and $37 US. I'm not joking about the oxygen deprivation symptoms and damages that can result.
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