Sunday, August 20, 2006

Faces of Meth

My friend Lori posted a link to the above-referenced web page on the Green Screen yesterday. It shows before and after pictures of people who used methamphetamines. It's not pretty. We've been also told how in just one year, the abuser's teeth are destroyed by methamphetamine abuse.

The web site this page is hosted on is called It's the site for The Partnership for a Drug Free America. It gives a wealth of information about drug abuse, how to spot it, and how to stop it. It's a fascinating read and worth your time.

I've seen first hand what drug abuse will do to the abuser. No one wants to be addicted to drugs. What starts out as getting high for kicks becomes a nightmare of dependency where you're coerced into doing anything to get more of the drug just to keep the physical pain of withdrawal at bay.

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