Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Corey Johnson's Pool Table

You want to know the real value of a piece of furniture in your home? When someone takes the time to hand-craft, assemble, and create something functional that is pleasing to the eye, the finished product is priceless. Corey's pool table fits that description.

According to my dear friend Pam (Corey's mom), "He wanted to build his very own pool table and he did it ... and it WORKS!! He had to order some of the parts for it, like the rail cushions, but everything else, he bought here and there. It is regulation size and it is a lot bigger than what I expected it to be in my house."

The picture speaks for itself. You can take one look at it and know that he put a lot of work into it. I don't care if someone says they got their pool table by some famous designer. To me, Corey's pool table is worth more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michelle!! I am so proud of the work he did on this. I think he did darn good for an 18 yr old. His Papa would have been proud! Thank you for the story, I will be sure to show Corey.. Love ya!! Pam