Thursday, March 27, 2003

E-mail Accounts/Rainy Days is reporting that Microsoft’s Hotmail is limiting the number of e-mails that can be sent out to 100 e-mails within a 24-hour period. My personal opinion? That’s still being too generous. I think a limit of 50 is more reasonable for a free account. Anyone who needs to legitimately send more than 50 e-mails a day needs to have a paid account, not a free account. For those who are using the accounts to send cute fuzzy feel-good chain letters, with all due respect, they are a waste of bandwidth. I will be the first to admit that I do not like getting chain letters. In fact, my e-mail is set up to delete at the server any e-mails that contain the words, “Forward this to everyone on your list…”

Remember the e-mail hoax that stated that we would soon be charged a small fee for every e-mail sent out? I’m starting to think that may not be a bad idea. It would cut spam down considerably. I’m sure I belong to a small minority who believes that, but when you’ve had your fill of junk e-mail … I like my Spam sliced and fried, not in my e-mail box. Yes, I subscribe to various e-mail newsletters featuring recipes and advice for webmasters, but I opt-in for them. I choose to receive them in my e-mail box.

I like the way helps to fight spam … you can report individual e-mails as spam with just a couple of clicks of the mouse. Of course, I think I’ll stick with SpamCop. It’s $30.00 a year for an account, but it’s worth it. By the way, did you know that will not let you use your SpamCop e-mail address in your account? SpamCop seems to have banned all e-mail coming from their servers. Talk about things that make you go hmmm … I was going to upgrade my membership with to gold, but after I found out that my SpamCop e-mail can’t be used, I changed my mind.

In other news ...

It has been raining today. We had a few days of sunshine, but now it’s raining again. People think I’m weird because I seem to thrive on rainy, dreary days than bright sunny days. No, I'm not into the goth movement. It’s cooler when it’s overcast. Here down south, the temps can easily shoot up into the 90’s and 100's, and the humidity makes the heat even worse. It’s been nearly 28 years since we moved to Waycross from San Diego, and I’m still not used to the heat and humidity.

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