Wednesday, February 03, 2016

The Love of Cats

While I was growing up, my parents felt pity toward a solid black stray, starving kitten that showed up on our doorstep. We started to leave food and water out for her, and I named her Miss Kitty. 

A year later, she disappeared for a few days. When she came back, she had an injured paw and several bad scratches where it looked like she got into a vicious fight with another cat.  Dad took her to the vet to get treated for her injuries. Miss Kitty would need to rest up for a few days in a safe environment.  Reluctantly, Mom allowed Miss Kitty to become an indoor cat. 

Knowing what I know now about cats, Miss Kitty was just showing love and acceptance, but Mom saw her actions as mean-spirited and defiant. We ended up giving Miss Kitty to someone else.

Now when I look at my cats, all I see are creatures of love. I know all cats have different personalities, which is why I'm grateful for my three felines. When I wake up in the middle of the night and all three are curled up on me or next to me, I take comfort in knowing that it's because they love me and want to be near me.

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