Sunday, June 29, 2003

One Great Weekend

I just got back from spending the weekend with Soul Sister. It was just her and me: no husbands, no kids, no parents. And it was a very nice change of pace. It reminded me of when we were roommates in Atlanta. Back then, we didn't have much, but that was okay because we had each other as friends and the energy and imagination to make the best of the situation. Well, 16 years later, we don't have that energy, but we still have the creativity to keep things interesting. This was one of those weekends in which you come back feeling good.

I'm working on an article; I will post it soon.

(update 7/27/2003: I've given up on the article for now. I need to carry a mini tape recorder to record ideas as they hit me so I don't forget them later).

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